Update 0.0.90 (Event & More)
July 10, 2019
Welcome to the WAMI Wiki[]
Wizards (And Minion) Idle or WAMI is an incremental RPG game developed by Oninou.
Train your stats, defeat monsters, fight in adventure, find items, get stronger and join the world raid to defeat the boss that rules the world.
Play it on Kongregate or Steamand join the game's Discord channel: https://discord.gg/KdhycVz
Current content[]
- General information and FAQ
- Player Guides and Calculators
- Stages
- Spells
- Conjuring
- Demons - Baby Demons
- Synergy / Sin Energy
Hello and welcome![]
This wikia is a community effort and open for edits, so feel free to contribute! What we especially need are
- Guides, walkthroughs, tips, player experience for challenges and anything else
- Up-to-date information (there still might be bits left from the beta days)
- Proofreading to make the articles easy to read and understandable
If you have any brickbats and bouquets, jump on discord and let em out.